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Learn the ABCs of Sustainable Living

Updated: Jul 2

We always hear about how important it is to save the environment, right? But how does one  do it? There are a thousand suggestions and ideas which can be confusing, but don’t worry you’ve come to the right place!

Sustainable Living Simplified
Sustainable Living Simplified

Reducing energy is a necessity

The simplest way you can start living a sustainable lifestyle is by doing really  simple things like switching off the lights which are not in use. You should also consider switching your old light bulbs to new energy-saving bulbs that consume much less power than traditional bulbs, while providing the same amount of light. Avoid switching on lights when natural sunlight is available. Unknowingly we keep so many lights and switches on, without realising that, it will not only save you money on your electricity bill but also reduce global warming.

Wash your clothes less frequently

Washing our clothes on a regular basis to maintain cleanliness is required. However, ask yourself - except for some clothes such as undergarments and workout clothes, do we really need to wash our clothes so frequently?  Clothing items like jeans and nightwear can be worn several times before washing. It is a massive waste of water, electricity, and time to wash after a single wear. Hanging clothes in the sunlight can rid them of sweaty odour. Washing your clothes judiciously means there will be less wear and tear, and they will last longer -- which saves money on buying new clothes.. What's more, you'll spend less time ironing them, which saves energy too!

De-clutter your space

De-cluttering can help you get rid of things that aren’t useful to you anymore and are just taking up space around  your house. Taking the time to identify these items and recycling, re-purposing or donating them to charities is the best thing you can do. Get rid of items that don’t spark joy or of duplicates. For example, if you have many items  of the same colour or type, just donate the extra one. Another way is to re-purpose or up-cycle things that you cannot use anymore, such as using old clothes as a dusting rag or mending torn clothes with stylish embellishments. Decluttering should be done at least once in 3 months to maintain a neat, clean and clutter-free home.

Ditch single-use products

Almost 30% of the products in our home are single-use products whether it is tissue papers, plastic bottles or coffee pouches. Swapping single-use products for multiple-use or long-lasting ones is a great way to become more sustainable in your home. For example, instead of purchasing plastic water bottles wherever you go, carry and refill your own reusable water bottle. Did you know that, if not recycled, the average plastic water bottle takes 450 years to decompose if littered? So choose wisely!

Bulk buying can greatly reduce wastage

Why not buy in bulk instead of buying individually? Think of how much waste can be avoided if we buy certain household items in bulk. Not everything should be bought in bulk but we can surely buy rice, wheat, grains, shampoos and cleaning products in bulk and store them properly until we need them again. Apart from saving a few pennies, you'll also be helping the environment! The rise of  plastic-free stores that let you bring your own containers, also make it easier for consumers to be more conscious in their buying habits. 

Always remember the three R’s: REDUCE, REUSE, and RECYCLE!

Do you know that plastic was created so that it can be used forever? Crazy, right? You must be wondering how we can possibly use a single item forever. But with the help of these three, we can.

  • Reduce: Practising mindful consumption means asking yourself if you really need the item you are looking to purchase or if it is an impulse buy. When we start questioning ourselves, we often realise that we don’t need a lot of the things we buy on impulse.  

  • Reuse: Shop for high-quality products so that they can be used again and again. For example, invest in rechargeable batteries instead of disposable ones and your pocket and the environment will thank you. Items such as cardboard boxes, wrapping papers, sauces bottles if stored right, can be used again and again.

  • Recycle: Start segregating your waste by material and you can always drop them off at recycling shops in your neighbourhood. You can make recycling a fun activity if you involve your whole family in the process. Recycle things like newspapers, bottles, tins, magazines, etc. develops the industry, hence eventually it generates  jobs - which  gives us one more reason to recycle regularly.

Is living a sustainable lifestyle that difficult? We hope this question will never arise in your mind again as we are always there by your side to guide you in your journey of living in an more eco-friendly and conscious life.


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